Golf Car News

Is It A Cart Or A Truck?

Golf Car Options June 2020Mark McCall’s ’39 Ford Truck Golf Cart

Our ’39 Ford Truck golf cart came about quite by accident.

I found this ’39 Ford truck cab listed on Facebook in Amarillo, Texas. No chassis, hood, bed or grill, just the cab. I called the farmer who listed it and 10 minutes on, the deal was made.

What he didn’t tell me, and couldn’t tell from the photos, was that part of the cab was buried in mud. It took he and I about an hour to free it from the ground with a forklift, load it on a flatbed trailer. Once home, I put it in my backyard with a future plan to use it as a prop in our photography studio.

To read the complete article and view more photos, see page 45 of the June issue of Golf Car Options.