In the Context of Major Macro Events, the Low Speed Vehicle Dealers Association Launches at the 2025 PGA Show
The recent PGA Show in Orlando witnessed a plethora of new products and technologies which promise to launch the low speed electric vehicles into the short distance driving market. And another significant launch occurred, namely, the launch of the Low Speed Vehicle Dealers Association (LSVDA).
Brian Rott, CEO of Cart Mart, based in San Marcos, CA and with 10 dealerships now under his ownership, has been the initiator and driving force behind the new industry association. In the meeting at the Show , which was attended by well over 70 industry players, Brian stated that the time for a vigorous industry advocate could not be more opportune. “We are on the cusp of major industry advances, he stated, “and to pave the way toward new markets and new technologies, as well as vigorous support and advancement of our traditional markets and products, the time has come for a collective effort to promote our industry and take it to a new level.”
Where the market is headed—imparting a name to the trend
In terms of nomenclature the golf cart has progressed to golf car, and under the umbrella term, “golf car-type vehicle” (GVTV), the descriptor “low speed vehicle” emerged and was more or less synonymous with the terms neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) and personal transportation vehicle (PTV).
With so many possible IDs, we can probably thank the federal government and the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) for clarifying the term low speed vehicle for purposes of regulation. In 1997, NHTSA issued Rule 500 which defined what a low speed vehicle was via the product requirements that would qualify the vehicle for operation on public roads where the posted speed limit was 35 m.p.h. or less.
More recently, the International Trade Commission and the Department of Commerce have investigated the market for low speed personal transpiration vehicles at the behest of the Coalition for U.S. Manufacturers of Low Speed Personal Transportation Vehicles. The Coalition is asking for both countervailing duties and anti-dumping tariffs on vehicles from China.
Thus, through an evolutionary process with a number of industry stakeholders, the term low speed vehicle has crystallized as the preferred descriptor a relatively new way of getting from point A to point B on public roads.
What’s behind the ID
Behind the legalize of regulations and petitions is the surge of use of LSVs on public roads. Local municipalities around the country have been wrestling with the fact that its citizens in growing numbers are taking their GCT vehicles—a.k.a. LSVs—to local streets and road.
This upsurge in LSV usage on public roads, albeit still in its formative stages; i.e., the early adapters, has been the major force behind the ITC investigation and the concern of domestic manufacturers over what they see as unfair competition from Chinese companies. As noted, the petition itself has led to a formal definition and description of the vehicle product in question.
Potential for market expansion
Given the growth in LSV sales, what we are seeing is potentially the proverbial tip of the iceberg with regard to where the market is headed. Base on analysis from the U.S. Department of Transportation, close to 70% of total driving distance is within 5-7 miles of one’s residence. These trips are typically to the local grocery or convenience store or a local park. These short distance driving tasks are easily accomplished
To assure and encourage market growth, however, public roads must be such as to accommodate LSVs for purposes of safety and convenience. In addition, certain vehicle modifications would be desirable.
Making the road environment conducive for LSVs
Making the local environment more conducive for LSVs invariably means interaction with local government officials, particularly those involved in traffic control and transportation and those whose first concern is safety. This is where a trade association could play a vital role. The launch of the Low Speed Vehicles Dealers Association is perfect in timing considering market developments and what is needed to get to the next level.
So, what can the LSVDEA provide and work to promote its members?
LSVDA member services
The following is a list of key services provided to both individual members and the membership as a whole:
• Industry Advocacy / Government Lobbying
The LSVDA provides the legal framework and leadership for lobbying government bodies (e.g., transportation safety departments, and law enforcement agencies), as well as elected officials to promote acceptance of low speed vehicles on public roads.
• Education
Two broad rubrics in education: 1) Keeping the membership informed of on-going industry and market developments; and 2) Establishing industry best practices standards. The result is an informed and motivated membership, which is collectively prepared to broaden the market base and grow their individual businesses.
• Services dedicated to improved market performance
The LSVDA will provide key services to members designed to improved their business performance. Included in these services are the following:
1. Legal, Tax and Accounting advice;
2. Dealer Management software advice;
3. Consultancy on dealership operations, sales, logistics, OEM & vendor management;
4. Insurance reviews;
5. Dealership Space Design Program Services;
6. Marketing Support (SEO, WEB DEV, social media);
7. Bank Financing (Retail & Commercial Financing);
8. Extended Warranty Services
The time has come for collective efforts
As the low speed vehicle has gained grass roots visibility as a viable and desirable solution for short distance driving, there is a clear need for collective action to influence the direction of government policies as the national, state, and local levels, as well as enhance the status of industry stakeholders through the development of best practices standards.
As noted above, the LSDVA provides the framework and the boots on the ground to achieve these goals. The writer of this column fully endorses this association and its leadership. Urging you to become a founding member, go the LSVDA website and sign up: Click on .
Contact the Author: Steve Metzger at Or check out our website at, where you will find an extensive database of vehicle models and can make side-by-side comparisons of vehicles based on a full set of specifications.